Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Cup Sizes

Why are Americans obsessed with huge cups? Go almost anywhere else in the world and you'll find that (in most cases) the largest cup of coffee you can order is 12 oz (except that no place else in the world uses ounces to measure...). In Italy, 8 oz is a large cup of coffee; In the US, 20 oz is on the small side for large cups while 8 oz might not even be on the menu (e.g. The Green Beast). My wife once saw a guy carrying a gargantuan (100 oz?) cup of coffee out of gas station. The cup was as large as his abdomen.

"Please give me one barrel of your freshest coffee and a hose to suck it through."

What? I am afraid that we aren't looking for quality in coffee, but rather the best dollar-to-ounce ratio possible. Is that really the direction we want to go? Isn't 20 oz a bit much to injest at one sitting? Most of us wouldn't drink a 20 oz glass of milk at home, yet we have no qualms about ordering a latte that size. It's as if we lose all sense of proportion when we enter a coffee shop. "Give me the biggest cup you have!" is our rallying cry.

Sadly, I don't think there's any reversing this trend. We are a country that demands "bigger and better" and that usually equates the two. From coffee to cars, we want the biggest product possible.

Please, let's work together on this. Let's pledge to each other that from here on out we will drink out of normal sized cups!

-Larry J.P.


Belladonna said...

Ok, NOW I am impressed. This deals with a very legitimate ISSUE worth some angst rather than inferring personal failing based on individual preference or lack of coffee expertise.

Bring it on Barista, bring it on!

Panimatka Philo said...


I am a hypocrite on this issue--I've been known to suck down a twenty ouncer from time to time. TWENTY OUNCES?! Are you kidding me?

Yeah, well, a twenty ounce granita can be pretty nice on a hot day. Yes, I said Granita. That's the type of hypocrisy you're dealing with here...

LJB said...

Yeah, this whole "bigger is better" phenomena is an intriguing American perception. As we supersize our fast food orders and go into hock for houses bigger than the school buildings our grandparents attended its easy to lose sight of SAVORING our choices.

Just out of curiosity - what size is a "small" at your shop? How often do people order that?

Belladonna said...

Hey Larry - got a question for you. If you are up for taking on the topic - what are your views on tipping? I've had some conversations with other cutomer types recently about when it is expected and when it is optional, how much is enough, etc. I'd be interested to hear your take on this.

Panimatka Philo said...

Lynda B--

Our small is 8oz. It gets ordered about half as much as the 12oz "medium".

BTW--whatever size is "medium" is almost always the most common size ordered in any shop. So S-bucks has a 16 oz medium, which is their most commonly ordered size I believe.
