Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Blend Naming Contest

Not really a contest, but I like the idea of collecting a list of potential blend names, as we are always coming up with new blends. Usually the names we give the blends are rather benign and "vanilla". That's probably how it should be. But as I was roasting today, a few funny names popped into my head and I thought--why not compile a list? So I am compiling a list, and you can help. You can pretend it's a contest, too. Maybe I'll even use the name you come up with. But you'll get no money, and I claim all the credit. Unless you sue. Then I'll give you some credit. Or if the name sucks but I don't realize it untill too late...you'll get the credit.

-Hold the Flavor Blend (For Grandmas and Grandpas)
-Burn It To a Crisp and Then Add milk Blend (For those addicted to Seattle-style coffee)
-I Don't Have any Idea of What's Good But I Want To Look Sophisticated When I Drink Coffee Blend (Self Explanatory)
-Super Pooper Blend (For those in need of digestive aid)
-Why Does This Cost So Much Blend (For those who can't understand why coffee should cost more than 25 cents a cup like it used to at the gas station...)
-Crochety Priest Blend (Self explanatory)
-Dislocated hip blend (who knows?)
-Ramming Speed!!!
-Floor Coffee Blend (what to do with the roastery sweepings at the end of the day) (also known as "Matt's Decaf")
-Are You Sure That's Decaf?! Blend (a good trick to play on my decaf drinking aunt)
-Scurvy Swill (See "Floor Coffee")

more to come?

1 comment:

Fr. Matthew said...

Flash Bang, for the SWAT cops.