Thursday, August 17, 2006

On Dark Roasted Coffee

Every day someone comes into the roastery and says something like this:

"I just LOVE your coffee. I want to buy something really tasty--something good and dark"

First of all, you DON'T love our coffee if you like "dark" coffee. We do roast some coffees dark, but we roast 90% of our coffees light (Full City) or medium (Vienna), so you don't know what you're talking about. And here's the dirty little secret on Dark Roasts: they remove most of the distinguishing characteristics from the coffee, so you probably can't distinguish our dark (French) roast from Starbucks or Tully's or Peet's. (Yes there IS a difference: some are bad, others are really bad, and some are barely tolerable...)

Second, you need to realize that the terms "good" and "dark" are mutually exclusive. I can give you something dark. I can give you something good. But I can't give you both in one. Clearly, you know nothing about coffee if you want something "good and dark." Let me put it this way: Dark roast is to Coffee as Velveeta is to Cheese. Does that clear things up?

Now don't misunderstand me, I don't mind that you know nothing about coffee; It does upset me when you pretend like you do.

Here's what I suggest you say when you come in to the shop if you don't know what you want but you don't want to lose face because you're a coffee beginner: "Hi, I'd really like to buy something tasty." There, that's what you meant in the first place--you're not insulting our coffees, and you're not pretending to be something you're not. Excellent.


layne (herman) said...

I have been told that a medium roast has more caffine than a dark roast; is this true?

Fr. Matthew said...

They always fall into the Barista Trap.. All too easy!

Panimatka Philo said...

I have never seen a scientific study on it. It would make sense, but I can't say for sure.

In the coffee world, there's a whole lot of urban myth; very little hard science. Why? Do you really want hard science? Isn't urban myth so much more fun?

layne (herman) said...

The only thing more fun than Urban Myths are Conspiracy Theories...