Wednesday, August 23, 2006

On The Conversion

Perhaps the most rewarding experience for a barista is converting a customer from a Grande Vanilla Latte Lover to the Pure Espresso Drinker. Doesn't happen too often--not because straight espresso is bad, so much as it's intimidating and foreign. Most people won't even try it. Add to the above that most people around town are making bad espresso to begin with, so most people here who try espresso once, try bad espresso, and never want it again. Additionally, a novice taking his first drink of espresso needs coaching in order to drink it right (quick first sip, then down the hatch). Even then, the taste might just be too intense.

That's a lot to overcome when trying to preach the pure espresso gospel. I've converted 3 people in 5 or so years; the third just yesterday. Yes!

1 comment:

layne (herman) said...

I remember being in the shop one day when a guy rolled up on a motorcycle, came inside, had two espresso shots and left.