Wednesday, January 10, 2007

The morning crew

We're a young coffee shop--9 months old--so we're still developing our "thing" here. What is our thing? Don't know--still working on it. But if our thing, our general "vibe", in the future is anything like what our current crew of morning customers create, I think that would be cool. We have a regular group these days--we know what they're like; they know what we're like; they're getting to know each other pretty well, too. Every morning at the roastery cafe is noisy, haphazard meeting of friends, centered around coffee. There's a lot of good natured ribbing, a bit of coffee geeking, some ranting (mainly by me), and lots of tasty espresso.

Keep it up guys.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Some of the morning crew is refused her skim cappuccino because Larry found some fatty fat organic milk and is all giddy about it. It is pretty good though. Keep up the good refusing Larry.