Friday, September 08, 2006

Oh You Fools

Why do you bother to ask me what you should order if you plan to ignore my answer?

Customer: "Hi, I'm not sure what I'd like--what do you suggest?"

Me: "How about a short cappuccino?"

Customer: "I'll have a grande mocha with extra caramel topping."

Yeah, that's similar to what I suggested.

Customer: "What type of coffee do you recomend?"

Me: "Well, currently I really like our light roasted Guatemala Huehuetenango."

Customer: "Ok, I'll take your Harvest Blend [our darkest roast]."

Do you ask your questions just to hear your own voice? You're going to get a portafilter spanking if you keep it up...


Belladonna said...

Ya know, it's really difficult not to make a flippant remark in response to that portafilter spanking reference. There are SOOOO many things I am tempted to say. But I will behave.

layne (herman) said...

next time you should reply, "do you trust me?"

yea, it is a trick bag.

Panimatka Philo said...


Thanks for behaving.

In your case, I would probably go with the steamwand-burn method of punishment, rather than the spanking.

You've got to pick a punishment that fits the crime AND the offender...

Fr. Matthew said...

Or, you could go Barista on them and just make what you recommedned in the first place and then dead pan them if they actually catch on.Either way make sure I am there and teh boos is not when you pull it off.