Monday, July 10, 2006

We do not flavor our coffee!

From time to time customers will ask me to describe a coffee to them. I'll say something like: it opens with a citrusy lemon spike, moving into a smooth currant berry and finishes with chocolate. Most of the time I get a blank stare in return, and then I just say--this coffee is good, we like it! Then they buy it. However, sometimes I get the guy who says (and it's always a guy) "whoa, I don't like flavored coffee!" Then I have to explain to him that we would never flavor a coffee; That the flavors I described are naturally occuring; That the only coffee that companies flavor is very, very bad coffee; that only very, very bad companies flavor their coffee (not even the beast does that!). Then they look at me like I'm selling snake oil or something, and only reluctantly pull out their wallet to buy a pound. Sigh...

1 comment:

Munkee said...

i like you blog...i will be back.