Tuesday, July 25, 2006

O Haughty Barista!

O tell me why


Why do your nostrils flare
and veins bulging-pulse
when I ask for cream?

You--Barista! only make coffee

yet put on airs
with your liberal arts degree
and your saucy retorts


Belladonna said...

Welcome back to the land of WW. Even in the absence of good brew, hopefully your vacation was a restful one. BTW, I like the new minimalist backdrop.

Belladonna said...

Ok, time for a reality check.

I do not take it personally if you choose not to allow my posts to show. It's your blog, your business.

I'm just verifying my perceptions. I did sort of wonder a few weeks back when there was one that WAS showing that you later removed. I apologize if anything I said was offensive. That was most definitely not my intent. Now I see the very brief, very innocuous one I posted here recently is not showing. As I said, your blog, your business.

However, I would like to know in order to avoid any future offence, would you prefer it if I simply did not attempt to ever communicate with you? That is my perception but rather than make assumptions about it I'm asking directly.

I'd prefer an answer privately if you are willing belladonnapiranha@yahoo.com