Thursday, June 01, 2006

On Tipping

I was recently asked for my opinion on tipping at coffee houses. Honestly, the subject doesn't excite me that much. Tip or don't tip; be excessively for it or self-rightously against it--you won't upset me either way.

That said, as a barista, I benefit from tips. That little bit of extra cash is nice. I keep my tips in a safe place and then use them to buy something nice for my wife, or save it so that I can go out to eat when I'm on vacation (if I get a vacation).

I don't think that a tip at the coffee shop should be considered manditory. That is, I'm not offended if a customer does not leave a tip. If a customer doesn't thank me or in some other way show their appreciation, well, that can be troublesome. But a tip--well, it's something extra: a way to say "thank you", or to say "please do an extra good job on my drink" or "I know that my order is a pain in the tushy so here's a little something to keep you from spitting in my drink," or "I love the heart you poured on my Latte last time--please do it again!"

Now, if a customer has a huge order, or changes their mind about their drink after it's already made, or is in some other way especially demanding, then he or she should leave a tip. It's also nice if you leave your change in the tip jar, (and you look cheap if you pocket that 28 cents instead of putting it in the jar).

I think that the real issue here is the relationship of the Barista with the public. The job is physically and emotionally demanding; It requires much care and artistry to be done well. If customers show that they understand these things and are appreciative, either through a tip or through a kind word, then the baristi of the world will be happy; good will and awesome espresso will abound. The alternative is, of course, barista angst...

Larry J.P.


Belladonna said...

Ok, NEXT question -

you mentioned vacations. IF you were to go on a "coffee house tour" of the Pacific Northwest, are there any specific spots you would want to be sure to visit? What criteria would you use to select these spots?

Panimatka Philo said...

Coffee Vacation

Hood River: Dog River Coffee
Portland: Stumptown Roastery (any of 3 locations)
Seattle: Hines Market Coffee
Espresso Vivace
Olympia: B&B roastery (I forget what the Bs stand for)

These guys do all the extra things that it takes to make the jump from mediocre to great. It's not easy, and they do it.

Well, that's a start. Once you're East of the mountains, your options thin...

Panimatka Philo said...

just remembered what the "B"s stand for:

Batdorf and Bronsen
