Tuesday, June 27, 2006

On The Beauty of Espresso

Most of you don't ever see it--rich, redish-brown, oozing like honey; settling in layers like freshly poured Guiness. Espresso. At least, espresso when it's done right.

It's done wrong most of the time in most shops. Not ours, but most. In this little town, I can think of only one other place where I would drink a straight espresso.

So I'm not exagerating when I say that most of you don't ever see it.

Oh. And the taste. When it's done right, it's sweet, it's earthy, it's fruity--not bitter, not biting. Think caramel, not cheap tequila. When it's right, you don't have to brace yourself and throw it down the back of your throat like I used to do when I worked for the beast. No--it's perfectly sippable.

As David Schomer, Espresso Geek #1, says, Espresso done right tastes like coffee smells.

Yeah right, you're thinking. I know. I thought it, too, when I first heard it. No, I was wrong. You are wrong. The geek is right, and I am his geek disciple now.

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