Monday, May 21, 2007

Quit your whining

Ok, Ok, I know it's been a while since I've posted, and now you've got yourself all worked up because you don't get to read about my misery, making your life seem meeningful and sane by comparison.

Truth is, sometimes I get too worked up over all this coffee world crud, and then I don't want to post, because it would be too serious. Plus, I don't think that it's good to unleash too much sarcastic venom on the world at once. Rather, like the Rattle Snake, I must inject my victims with just the right amount of toxin. I don't know exactly what that means, but I'm pretty sure it's deep. Regardless, I've always wanted to work a Rattle Snake analogy into my writing.

I may die in peace now.


layne (herman) said...

i have always wanted to visit one of them churches where they handle snakes....

Fr. Matthew said...

No you don't! Trust me.

Munkee said...

Mr. H, I've a feeling you speak from experience, and I'm definitely taking your the very least to avoid a stray snake taking a nip at me.